Fall in, A-Ten-Hut. At Ease.

October 23, 201

Thank you for your military service and the service you provide as a War Eagles. Deanna (PiePrincess) and I have been restricted to base for the year. Health issues are all consuming. We trust you all carried on in our place.

We are considering discontinuing the P. O. Box and\or the Website. These are out of pocket expenses which is becoming an issue for us. We will keep the email going. If someone would like to step up and assume or part of being the Keepers of War Eagle Society, please let us know. The younger the better.

We have seen and been told of numerous closing of VFW, American Legion and other veteran service organization. A large portion of the post-Vietnam veterans are not taking advantage of what these established groups have to offer. Reaching out to them (without being pushy) might be something for us salty dogs to consider.

Thanks again,

Aten Hut, Dismissed!


Fall in, A-Ten-Hut. At Ease.

August 01, 2016

Thank you to all the War Eagles who have submitted or resubmitted applications. Our current count is 88 confirmed War Eagles. Please encourage each other to verify membership. Wouldn't it be nice to know how many War Eagles we have?

At the High Plains and Rocky Mountain rendezvous, you did a great job with posting the American Flag at our gatherings. Be proud of yourselves. During our meeting at the Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous we were given a great gift. A copper medallion with our War Eagle engraved on it.

Shiner did this to say thank you to all of the War Eagles. It will be passed on to whoever is the keeper of the War Eagles. To Shiner, we want to thank you for this great honor.

We are currently out of flags and rosettes. We are currently taking orders for fifty (50) flags and twenty-five (25) rosettes. We will buy them and send them out as we are reimbursed.

However, don't despair, Michelle Hoffman of “Sew it Seams” has stepped up and has flags and rosettes for sale. Her email Sewiseams@earthlink.net   or call her at 719-783-0332.

Thank you for letting us be your keeper of the War Eagles. It is a honor to serve you.



January 23, 2016

First, a big THANK YOU to each and every one for your time and service.

Secondly, I need to apologize for being delinquent with updates. No excuses.

Let me remind everyone, we are simply a loose net group of vets with common interests American History. Comradery and fun are our cornerstones. Now for some information. We received 31 member applications in 2015, plus 22 older forms equals 53 confirmed War Eagles. Please help us get a truer count of our members.

As of today, Pie Princess and I are out of pocket $776.26 for P.O. Box, web site, rosettes, and flags. We have 15 flags and rosettes available for sale. The War Eagle Society is a labor of love for us, but love isn't cheap. A special thanks to those of you who have help defray the expenses.

Here's hoping you and yours had a great 2015 and your 2016 is better. Again, thank you all. It's a privilege to be your keepers of our War Eagle society.


November 13, 2015

We have attended several rendezvous since the last update Once again thank you for your time and service.

Badger Breath, “Jim Miles”, received his War Eagle Flag with many of your signatures on it. He extends is gratitude.

We are getting reports of meetings being held at events far and wide. Great job people! New members are sending applications in to us. We are still looking forward to applications from our more seasoned members. The roster we are creating only shows 57 members new and old. We even received some contributions to help defray our out of pocket expenses. Many thanks for the support.

Thank you all again, it is an honor.


May 30,2015

The War Eagle Society is a labor of love. I was able go to the Southwestern Regional Rendezvous in Leslie, Arkansas for the first weekend and host a War Eagle meeting. For those who attended the meeting, thank you! The mud was a bit of a challenge; however, the comradery was worth the effort.

We have added 7 new names to the rolls and are now up to 29 we can verify. We now have members in 10 states from Maryland to Utah. If you are a member, please let us know via war.eagles.vet@gmail.com so we can get an accurate member count. There has been no mail to the post office and very little to our email address or phone communications for that matter.

A special thanks to Di and Jim Erb for making our Rosettes. We will be at the High Plains Regional Rendezvous in Gary, South Dakota June 13-20 th . We will post or meeting time, we hope to see you there.

Finally, we are only out of pocket about $800.00 thanks to some generous vets. Again, thank you all. It is a privilege to be the keepers of our War Eagle Society.


November 27, 2014

During the 2014 RMNR near Gunnison, CO Badger Breath, AKA Jim Miles, came to our camp to ask if we would accept the privilege and responsibility of being the Keepers of the War Eagles Society. He had been the 3rd Keeper and had been so for over 12 years. After we composed ourselves from the shock of being considered, much less asked. We parlayed and he gave us two mandates: 1) keep the Society going, 2) update the communications.

We accepted. When I say “we”, I mean myself Windy Bag Full, aka Patrick Nixon, Pie Princess, aka Deanna Nixon and for web technical consultant Talking Bear, aka Gordon Welch.

The contents of the opening pages, guidelines and the application form were all approved by Badger. This was to ensure we are being true to our past and our mandate.

The War Eagle Society is not an organization. In an effort to be transparent, as keepers, we will provide receipts for any transactions made regarding our part of maintaining the War Eagle Society. Examples thus far:

Liberty Flags: 50 ea. Flags for $19.07 ea.


PO Box for 1 yr.


Web site, Name & Email: $81.00


Mailings to Date: $5.40


Rosettes 10 each: = $100.00


Total Funds


Funds received from Flags & Rosettes


Total Out of pocket


You are encouraged to conduct War Eagle Society meetings at your rendezvous / historical reenactment events. Remember we are also honor guards. For detailed flag etiquette go to




We as War Eagles are proactive regarding our country our country, our flag, our family, our veterans and active service men and women. Be informed. Here are some references:










Again, thank you all. It is a privilege to be the Keepers of our War Eagle Society. Pass this along to our less computer savvy War Eagles.

A-Ten-hut …..Dismissed!


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